24x7 Polar Bear Cam

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  1. Mr. Goldman has irreversibly raised the bar for "On-Demand" programming. There will be no retreat. His acute awareness of viewer preference is phenomenal. But wait... that is just the tip of the iceberg... a mere facet of the jewel that is the Goldman Entertainment Experience.

    Goldman's responsiveness is what sets him far above all the rest. That's where we see the rubber meet the road: Goldman is Everyman's personal viewer valet. Don't like what you're watching? Poor character development, or maybe a hackneyed plot? No problem! Just call Howard - he'll fix it- while-u-wait!

    Make no mistake: H G has fomented a revolution of Wellesian proportion and consequence: he's damned the torpedoes and he's NOT accepting prisoners.

    Ted Turner: your days are numbered, Pal. If I were you, I wouldn't make any plans...

  2. Whups! Wait... What?? WHOA - this confounded thing is on the fritz again! That's it - I take it all back!

    Um... hehe... Mr Turner? No hard feelings, I hope? Ted? Te-ed!!!
